Patisserie De Bauchery

- We Love Cake -
We don't sell it,
but you're more than welcome to take a look

Dulcis est vita vivet. Crustulam amor.

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Chocolate Cake Day is a a chocolate lovers delight, and a day to eat cake. Why this is a day to "bake your chocolate cake....and eat it, too!" On this day, a white or yellow cake will not do. Nor, will part chocolate, part white suffice. It must be chocolate, all chocolate. You can make milk chocolate, dark chocolate, fudge, or any other type of chocolate cake.

The only reference to Chocolate Day on the Internet is from Ecard and calendar websites. This might lead you to conclude that this is a day for (and by) the Ecard companies. But, we know better. This day is for you, and all chocolate lovers.

There are three objectives of Chocolate Cake Day: To bake a chocolate cake. To decorate a chocolate cake. And to eat a chocolate cake. Of course, if you are too busy to bake or decorate a cake, then just eating a piece of chocolate cake will certainly do!

Earlier Event: January 23
Blues Night
Later Event: January 30
Women's Voices

Patisserie de Bauchery is a proud supporter of No Crumbs Left Behind