Patisserie De Bauchery

- We Love Cake -
We don't sell it,
but you're more than welcome to take a look

Dulcis est vita vivet. Crustulam amor.

Folk and roots by the fire with DJ Calli
6:00 PM18:00

Folk and roots by the fire with DJ Calli

Some very laid back music from DJ Calli, around the campfire on Left Hand Column. A cracklingly-relaxing evening with friendly people, and you don’t even have to actually go outside or worry about just how do you exactly use that flashlight/water bottle/emergency radio/hand crank/solar power bank thing that you got in the Amazon Prime day sale because it looked cool but you knew (hoped) you were never really going to be in a position to actually use it. Just the stars, great music, and friendly people. Did we mention the cakes?

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Electro Swing bonus round at Patisserie with DJ Calli
6:00 PM18:00

Electro Swing bonus round at Patisserie with DJ Calli

We have an extra round of electro swing tonight. DJ Calli playing great music, surrounded by cakes and friendly regulars at the Patisserie De Bauchery on Left Hand Column. Usually these events are on the first Monday of each month, but with this bonus round it means that you’re getting 107% of your annual dose of electro swing. While we are not doctors or math wizards, we should ask just one thing. Did we mention the cake?

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Desert tunes with DJ Calli
6:00 PM18:00

Desert tunes with DJ Calli

Join us at the Desserterie for a relaxing evening of music celebrating Loreena McKennit's birthday. DJ Calli will provide an eclectic variety of contemporary desert music by McKennit and friends in an attempt to get away from the cold. Appropriate desert (or dessert) attire is encouraged! Belly & bolly dancing will be available.

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Folk and roots in the sauna with DJ Calli
6:00 PM18:00

Folk and roots in the sauna with DJ Calli

If you thought it couldn’t get any more relaxing around the campfire, then you’re in for a surprise. This time DJ Calli will be playing great campfire music under the stars on Left Hand Column but in a not very secret location of the adjoining campfire winter dome. That’s where the sauna is. It’s all warm towels and hot chocolate drinks as medically* beneficial things** happen to you while you look out onto the snow and sip some chocolate drink that doesn’t have one single little paper umbrella or sparkler sticking out of it. Did we mention the cakes?

*This is not medical advice because we are not doctors.
** Nope, still not doctors here, just cake stuff. Where have you been?

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Calli does country at the Granary
6:00 PM18:00

Calli does country at the Granary

We have a granary, that if you look out the window in the right direction, and scrunch your eyes up real good, might just appear to be situated in the middle of rolling hills and fields. Maybe that blob on the window is actually a horse? Maybe that mesh prim outside is actually a tractor? Maybe that’s the limit on how much country knowledge this writer has? Who knows? Friendly people, great music, all in the (allegedly) best country location ever! Did we mention the cake?

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Folk and roots by the fire with DJ Calli
6:00 PM18:00

Folk and roots by the fire with DJ Calli

Some very laid back music from DJ Calli, around the campfire on Left Hand Column. A cracklingly-relaxing evening with friendly people, and you don’t even have to actually go outside or worry about just how do you exactly use that flashlight/water bottle/emergency radio/hand crank/solar power bank thing that you got in the Amazon Prime day sale because it looked cool but you knew (hoped) you were never really going to be in a position to actually use it. Just the stars, great music, and friendly people. Did we mention the cakes?

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Chillin' with Holiday Cheer with DJ Calli
6:00 PM18:00

Chillin' with Holiday Cheer with DJ Calli

Calli provides a different mix of holiday cheer at Cafe Gateau. Dress is casual and music is seasonalish. Just a time to hang out with everyone, drink in the atmosphere, at a tiny oasis in the otherwise jingle bell infested, Mariah Carey high-note squeal, elf on a shelf, holly poked, tinsel topped madness that is the rest of our great virtual world at this time of year.

Did we mention the chocolate Yule log?

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Folk by the fire with DJ Calli
6:00 PM18:00

Folk by the fire with DJ Calli

Fancy an ultra low energy evening of relaxing sounds, round a crackling campfire? Does being under the stars sound like the perfect place to forget that Tuesday morning is just a few hours away? We’ve got you covered. DJ Calli playing folk and roots, while you don’t even have to go to the trouble of picking out a dance, or a cupcake. Just watch the stars go by, chatting (or not) with friendly people, in a warm circle of warmy-circularity. Did we mention the cakes?

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An Evening of Celebration & Appreciation with DJ Calli
6:00 PM18:00

An Evening of Celebration & Appreciation with DJ Calli

This week marks the birthdays of many music greats and DJ Calli will help us celebrate their music at the Granary. We'll hear Tina Turner, Jesse Cook, Stan Rogers & (perhaps even) Jimi Hendrix as only Calli can do. There is no particular dress code--just be dressed. Friendly people in a wonderful location for an evening of music from some of the greats. Did we mention the cakes?

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Folk and roots by the fire with DJ Calli
6:00 PM18:00

Folk and roots by the fire with DJ Calli

Some very laid back music from DJ Calli, around the campfire on Left Hand Column. A cracklingly-relaxing evening with friendly people, and you don’t even have to actually go outside or worry about just how do you exactly use that flashlight/water bottle/emergency radio/hand crank/solar power bank thing that you got in the Amazon Prime day sale because it looked cool but you knew (hoped) you were never really going to be in a position to actually use it. Just the stars, great music, and friendly people. Did we mention the cakes?

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The Weenening 2024
6:00 PM18:00

The Weenening 2024

Celebrate the (Hallo)Weenening 2024 with DJ Calli and the tribe at the freshly renovated More Chewarie de Ween. Find out just how scary it can get among the cakes, candy (toffee) apples, and the just-this-very-second invented (and hopefully completely fictional) ancient Cake Gobbler. If you don’t think that a mysterious monster chowing down on your entire collection of calorific confectionables is scary, then you’re in for whatever constitutes the apparent opposite of a treat, which is traditional on Halloween. No need to wear a costume, but there’s probably going to be the occasional zombie or skeletal version of a something staggering around that you can maybe take a selfie with. Monsters will be mashed, thrills will be thrillered, and bats will be in good supply all evening long. Did we mention the cakes?

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Global Oneness Day Celebration
6:00 PM18:00

Global Oneness Day Celebration

Connecting people with an aim to plant seeds of empathy, [and] interconnectedness”, the Global Oneness Project tells stories, shares information from communities world wide, and tries to broaden perspectives, in a way that might just make the world a better place.

Join us for an upliftingly uplifting evening of great music from DJ Calli. We’ll be at the Cruiserie De Watery, with friendly people all having a great time, because we can, and so can you. Yes you. Did we mention the cakes?

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FolkToberfest by the fire with DJ Calli
6:00 PM18:00

FolkToberfest by the fire with DJ Calli

Is Folktoberfest a genre? It is now because we just said so. DJ Calli playing Oktoberfest stylings around the campfire on Left Hand Column. If you feel lederhosen or dirndl is the way to go*, you would be right because that’s just how things are rolling around the campfire this particular night. Get your ooms papa’d and your accordions accorded for a fun night of music that won’t just be the usual sounds that accompany large flocks of tubas, or people struggling to carry 15 large glasses of beverages to the 865th table near the back of the tent. Did we mention the cakes which are traditionally black forest cake at these events?

*you don’t have to dress the part, but just be dressed in something. Thanks.

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Jukebox Joy & Jammies with DJ Calli
6:00 PM18:00

Jukebox Joy & Jammies with DJ Calli

DJ Calli will be serving some nostalgic jukebox joy at The Five Layer & Dine. There will be something old, something new, something borrowed... you get the picture. Wear some summery jim-jams (pajamas/pyjamas) and bring a friend, and by friend we mean cake, and by cake we mean multiple cakes. Did we mention the cake?
Just to be clear, we mean actual cakes. The sugary kind that people eat slices of, sometimes at birthdays, sometimes just because it’s Monday.

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Folk and roots by the fire with DJ Calli
6:00 PM18:00

Folk and roots by the fire with DJ Calli

Some very laid back music from DJ Calli, around the campfire on Left Hand Column. A cracklingly-relaxing evening with friendly people, and you don’t even have to actually go outside or worry about just how do you exactly use that flashlight/water bottle/emergency radio/hand crank/solar power bank thing that you got in the Amazon Prime day sale because it looked cool but you knew (hoped) you were never really going to be in a position to actually use it. Just the stars, great music, and friendly people. Did we mention the cakes?

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Cruiserie Summer Sounds with DJ Calli
6:00 PM18:00

Cruiserie Summer Sounds with DJ Calli

We're having a posh evening over the water, taking in the summer sounds from DJ Calli. This is all happening at the Cruiserie De Watery. A splash-tastic setting, of gently waving waves, and oddly squeaky floatation devices, under the boardwalk, under the stars, wrapped in summery sounds and faint cake appreciation. Be there, be dressed, and did we mention the cake?

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Folk and roots by the fire with DJ Calli
6:00 PM18:00

Folk and roots by the fire with DJ Calli

Some very laid back music from DJ Calli, around the campfire on Left Hand Column. A cracklingly-relaxing evening with friendly people, and you don’t even have to actually go outside or worry about just how do you exactly use that flashlight/water bottle/emergency radio/hand crank/solar power bank thing that you got in the Amazon Prime day sale because it looked cool but you knew (hoped) you were never really going to be in a position to actually use it. Just the stars, great music, and friendly people. Did we mention the cakes?

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Patisserie de Bauchery is a proud supporter of No Crumbs Left Behind