Patisserie De Bauchery

- We Love Cake -
We don't sell it,
but you're more than welcome to take a look

Dulcis est vita vivet. Crustulam amor.

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DJ Calli's Rez Day Celebration

We need you to help us celebrate DJ Calli’s rez day* being held this year on Left Hand Column, at the winter village venue. Bring your smiley face, and appreciation of fine cake related products.

Winter Village 2018 Left Hand Column Christmas xmas venue (5).jpg

*Almost a birthday, but dodging all the age questions because a rez day is marked by the first day someone appeared in the virtual world, not the real one.

Earlier Event: December 22
Holiday Dance Music Night
Later Event: January 7
Electro Swing New Year

Patisserie de Bauchery is a proud supporter of No Crumbs Left Behind