Patisserie De Bauchery

- We Love Cake -
We don't sell it,
but you're more than welcome to take a look

Dulcis est vita vivet. Crustulam amor.

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Halloween-ween party with DJ Calli

Have a great, terrible, or non-existent halloween outfit you want to show off? Why not take it for a spin at the More Chewarie De Ween, for an early halloween celebration. There’s no limit to the amount of weens you can add to your halloween. So why not add ours to your list. If you’re wondering what that means*, it’s fine because we don’t know either. See you there!

*If you do know, then please let us know, because we’d like to be cool too.

Patisserie de Bauchery is a proud supporter of No Crumbs Left Behind