Celebrate the Weenening 2022 with DJ Calli at the More Chewarie de Ween. Find out just how scary it can get among the cakes, candy (toffee) apples, and the just-this-very-second invented (and hopefully completely fictional) ancient Cake Gobbler. If you don’t think that a mysterious monster chowing down on your entire collection of calorific confectionables is scary, then you’re in for whatever constitutes the apparent opposite of a treat, which is traditional on Halloween. No need to wear a costume*, but there’s probably going to be the occasional zombie or skeletal version of a something staggering around that you can maybe get a selfie with. Monsters will be mashed, thrills will be thrillered, and bats will be in good supply all evening long!
Did we mention the cake?
*Make sure you cover your coverable bits though.