Celebrate the (Hallo)Weenening 2024 with DJ Calli and the tribe at the freshly renovated More Chewarie de Ween. Find out just how scary it can get among the cakes, candy (toffee) apples, and the just-this-very-second invented (and hopefully completely fictional) ancient Cake Gobbler. If you don’t think that a mysterious monster chowing down on your entire collection of calorific confectionables is scary, then you’re in for whatever constitutes the apparent opposite of a treat, which is traditional on Halloween. No need to wear a costume, but there’s probably going to be the occasional zombie or skeletal version of a something staggering around that you can maybe take a selfie with. Monsters will be mashed, thrills will be thrillered, and bats will be in good supply all evening long. Did we mention the cakes?